Joseph Smith
Joseph Smith, No better type of the old settler - strictly honest in word and deed, hospitable and energetic, can be found in Milford Township than in person of Joseph Smith. He was eighteen years old when he came to this country, and he had no surplus funds when he arrived. What now he has, he has earned by hard work and frugal living when it was necessary. His farm is located on section 32, and consists of two hundred and five acres, one hundred wighty being under cultivation. He built the comfortable farmehouse and all the barns and other outhouses now on the place, besides three barns, which were destroyed by fire. Although he is advanced in years, he still carries on the farm, dividing his attention between crops and stock. He has a good flock of sheep and has raised sixty lambs this season.
Our subject is the son of Arthur and Rebecca (Laird) Smith, who spent their entire lives in County Donegal, Ireland. The mother traced her ancestry to Scotland. After the seath of the father, she came to America and made her home with her children. She died in this county about 1861, and lies buried in New Hudson. Both parents belonged to the Presbyterian Church. They had six children, four now living and all in America. Joseph was born in County Donegal in 1821, and was five years old when bereft of his father. It was necessary for him to work quite early, and he had, therefore, but little schooling. This has made him al the more anxious to give his children good schooling privileges, and he has been enabled to carry out his desire. When he emigrated, he spent some years in Orange County, N. Y., working on a farm, and in 1842 came to this state. He traveled on a canal-boat from Albany to Buffalo, crossed the lake to Detroit and came to Lyon Township on foot. He was throughly discourages and disheartened, but did not cease in his efforts to find work until he was hired out by the month to Joseph Blackwood. He was to do farm work at $10 permonth.Mr. Smith remained on Mr. Blackwood's farm three years, then bought forty acres of wild land in Lyon Township. He sold it and bought one hundred sixty acres, partially improved, incurring indebtness for the greater part of its value. He did not settle upon his farm until after his marriage, in 1848, but he then took possession of a log house and began removing timber. He remained upon that place until 1861, and succeeded in placing the entire acreage under improvment. He then sold and settled on one hundred acres in Milford Township, which forms a part of his vauleable property. The estate he occupies is much more thoroughly equipped with buildings than many or those around it. Mr. Smith has had his efforts ably seconded by his wife, who has planned and worked, encouraged him under every difficulty, and cheered him in times of misfortune. Mrs. Smith bore the maiden name of Lucinda Elder and was born in New York in 1831. She came to this state with her broher, Joseph Elder, now deceased. She received a good common school education, became skilled in the arts of the housekeeper, and better than all else, in an earnest, humble Christian. Of the twelve children born of this union, ten are now living, and a brighter, more interesting family it would be hard to find.,/br> Three are mutes, but they have been well educated in the institution at Flint and are well equipped for the duties that lie before them. Arthur A., the eldest child, married Rebecca Richardson and lives in Cario; Eva is the wife of Solomon Frank and lives in Canada; Hannah Jane married William Allison and their home is in Ionia County; Della is the wife of Mr. Allison and lives in ionia County; Hattie married John Burns, of Tuscola County; Herbert married Miss Lombard and lives on the home farm; Carrie is studying in the State Normal School at Ypsilanti; May and Egbert are at home; Lizzie is the wife of Charles Brown and is now living in Clay County, Kan.Mr. and Mrs Smith belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church at New Hudson, and six of their children belong to that denomination. He has beenClass-leader for thirty years, and is now Trustee and Steward as well. He had been a teacher in Sunday school and always takes an interest in the work there. For many years, Mr. Smith has been Road Overseer and a member of the School Board. He votes the Republician ticket, is much interested in political issues, and has always been a temperate man who used neither liquor nor tobacco. He and his wife are greatly respected by Those among whom they have spent so many years up uprightness and well doing.
Source: Portrait and Biographical Album of Oakland County, Michigan, 1891