Harvey J. Campbell

Harvey J. Campbell, Among the younger farmers in Oakland County may be mentioned Mr. Campbell, whose home is on section 23, Royal Oak Township, and who belongs to a family well known in the county. His property consists of ninety-five acres on sections 23 and 26, forty of which was given to him by his father. Mr. Campbell is a son of Welcome and Mary J. (Cheney) Campbell, of whom an account is given in their biography of John L. Campbell, of Biringham. They were natives of New York and the fahter was born July 20, 1810, they have five sons and five daughters, and Harvey J. is the second child and eldest son. He was born in Oxford Township, this county, April 19, 1843, and his boyhood studied in the common schools. He devoted some time to work in his father's store prior to his nineteenth year, and then spent three years on a farm.

Mr. Campbell next went to Albion and took a course of study under Prof. Ira Mayhew, the well known commerical teacher and auther of the popular textbook on book keeping. After finishing his course of study, Mr. Campbell, returned home and ten went to Genesee County, where he spent the summer in work, after which he returned again to his father's farm. He married May 8, 1866, and was soon established where he is still living. His wife bore the maiden name of Altana J. Wells and was born in Royal Oak, April 12, 1847. She is the fourth in a family comprising five daughters and two sons, and her parents are Joseph R. and Sophronia (Stephens) Wells.

The father of Mrs. Campbell was born in New York and his parents were Willard and Mary (Spencer) Wells, the former of whom died in his native state when the son was seven years old. The latter came to this state some years later, obtained a home and brought his widowed mother here. His wife was a daughter of Henry and Altana (Fellows) Stephens, natives of New York and her mother in turn was the daughter of David and Esther (Tucker) Fellows. Mrs. Campbell was well reared and has proved herself capable of hudiciously managing househhold affairs and loking well to the interest of her family.

The children of and Mr. and Mrs. Campbell are: Arthur W., born Aug 18, 1867; Alice L., born February 3, 1869; J. Lee, born June 28, 1872; Frank J., born January 28, 1879 and Mary G., born December 7, 1885. Arhtur is on the Tledo Blade as a general news editor; he was marries April 15, 1888, to Margaret S. Simmonds, of Center Line, Macomb County, and they have two children; Don H., born December 18, 1889, and Alice, born February 21, 1891. Alice L. was married Oct 22, 1889 to William Todd Jr., of Royal Oak. Mr. and Mrs Campbell belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church and he is Treasurer, Trustee and Steward, while she is a teacer in the Sunday school. Mr. Campbell has served accptably as Highway Commissioner and Constable. He began his political carer by voting for Abraham Lincoln and takes an active part in local work and has been sent as a delegate to county conventions.

Source: Portrait and Biographical Album of Oakland County, Michigan, 1891